Diagnostic Radiology Physics Services


The Radiological Physics Services is responsible for acceptance testing and quality control testing of medical imaging equipment at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics and at medical imaging facilities throughout Southern Wisconsin. RPS also provides other services, including the duties of Radiation Safety Officer for Diagnostic Radiology; radiation safety testing of lead aprons, gloves, and shields; patient and fetal dose calculations; testing film screen cassettes; and development of imaging protocols, particularly to reduce radiation exposure while maintaining outstanding image quality.

RPS provides technical assistance to the clinical staff and maintenance personnel on equipment repair, equipment use, radiation safety, and research presentations. RPS performs testing and coordination to maintain hospital accreditation by the Joint Commission of Accreditation of Hospitals Organization (JCAHO), the American College of Radiology (ACR), and the US Food and Drug Administration.


Frank N. Ranallo

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Director, Medical Imaging Residency Program
Professor, Medical Physics

Email: ranallo@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-5713

Room 1161 WIMR
Frank Ranallo is a primary advisor in the Department of Medical Physics.