
Medical Physics Seminar – Monday, October 24, 2022

The Role of Medical Imaging in Assessing Structure-Function Relationship in Tissue Health and Performance: Implications for Musculotendinous Injury, Recovery, and Rehabilitation


Scott Crawford, PhD
Associate Professor, UW-Madison

Medical imaging is a powerful tool for assessing in vivo tissue structure and mechanical properties. Knowledge derived from medical imaging technologies can be incredibly useful in providing diagnoses, assessing healing progression, and determining intervention or therapy efficacy. My research is focused on leveraging medical imaging technologies to quantitatively assess muscle-tendon structure, properties, and physical function following injury, recovery, and rehabilitation to improve health outcomes.

This presentation will discuss muscle structure and material properties, effects of injury and recovery in restoring normal structure and function, and the role of medical imaging to provide quantitative metrics toward informing areas of clinical research in musculotendinous conditions to improve human health.

Location: HSLC, Room 1325


Time: 04:00-05:00