
Medical Physics Seminar – Monday, October 30, 2023

Small Cyclotron Theranostics


Jonathan Engle, PhD
Associate Professor, Medical Physics and Radiology, UW-Madison

Targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy is the hottest topic in nuclear medicine research. Interest in these therapies is predicated on tailoring radionuclides physical decay properties to pharmaceuticals* in vivo behavior. Auger and conversion electron emitters offer unparalleled dosimetric selectivity at the intracellular scale. Efforts to explore their potential need "model" radionuclides with minimal photon emissions and high electron yields. I will talk about our work to develop application-supporting production of theranostic radionuclides like Co-55 / Co-58m and Sb-117 / Sb-119.

Location: HSLC 1345


Time: 4:00-5:00