In the Spotlight – Kymmy Lomax

Kymmy Lomax

Financial Specialist


In The Spotlight

What three traits define you?

Creative: I love arts and music! I love photography, DIY projects, and decorating.

Passionate: I’m either all in or not at all. When I am in, I let my emotions and motivation take me through it.

Determined: I am my worst critic so I’m always pushing past the doubt, fears, and anxieties that come with challenges and obstacles.

What do you think is the most important quality you need to have for success?

Determination/Motivation. You have to be able to take the good with the bad and still keep going because nothing lasts forever.

What does true leadership mean to you?

Accountability. You have to have the maturity to hold yourself accountable when it comes to completing work and when you need help. There are instances where “life”/ the inevitable happens but you have to still have the end goal in mind and work through those obstacles/challenges.

What do you value most in a job?

Opportunities for growth and development, especially working on a team/with others. Every success and mistake is an opportunity for you to see your strengths and weaknesses. If you don’t understand where you are, you can limit how far you can go.

What personality trait are you always trying to improve?

Being more organized. I am so obsessive about being organized that it causes me to be even more unorganized.

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

A radio broadcaster, I’ve always had a love for music and the witty personality for it. I used to intern a radio station in Minneapolis and I also used to do Spoken Word segments on a popular radio station in Chicago.

Which day of the work week are you the most productive?

Fridays, ironically. I try to finish up anything that has be ongoing and any work that can be completed on Fridays so I attack Monday with new assignments and no stress.

Have any “hidden talents”?

I taught myself to play piano, I write poetry, and I style hair.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My greatest accomplish would be going back to school. It was tough to transition and sometimes I get a little frustrated because I just want to finish but it’s all a part of my process so I’m taking it a semester at a time.


I am the youngest of 3 girls; Amber (the oldest) and Ember (the 2nd oldest). I have 2 nephews; Miekel, 14 and Nehemiah, 10. I have an 8 year old Godson, JaSei Amor, and I sponsor an adorable little boy who lives in Haiti, Flavio; he’ll be 4 in October.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I love DIY projects! I think I’m pretty creative and I have a success rate of about 11% (it’s more than 0% percent so I will take it) but I’m working on learning to sew.

What is the best book you have ever read?

I am currently reading a book called “The Difference Maker” and it’s an amazing book about how you can use you everyday life for an eternal impact. I’m an active member at my father’s church (Word of Life Apostolic Church – Madison) and this book is really enlightening me on how everyday interactions are so powerful.

Best advice you ever received and how it carry you throughout life?

“You can’t escape your process”. I am so guilty of wanting to rush things or slow things down and no matter how fast or slow life is moving, you can’t escape your process. Most people can go through similar situations and there process may be faster or slower, which can cause us to compare our lives or stories but your process is your process.

Best advice when encountering in a new situation?

“Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself”. My father always says this to my sister and I, whenever we start new endeavors, new jobs, meet new people, etc. Every opportunity is an opportunity to grow and learn and if you’re not aware of that, you could possibly cheat yourself out of maximizing the opportunity.